5th kyu
60 practice hours
- Shomen-uchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
- Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
- Katate-tori Shiho-nage (omote & ura)
- Ryote-tori Tenchi-nage
- Tsuki Kote-gaeshi
- Ushiro Tekubi-tori Kote-gaeshi
- Morete-tori Kokyu-ho
4th kyu
80 practice hours (from previous test)
- Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Yokomen-uchi Shiho-nage (omote & ura)
- Tsuki Irimi-nage
- Ushiro Tekubi-tori Sankyo (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Ryokata-tori Kote-gaeshi
- Suwari Waza:
- Shomen-uchi Ikkyo
- Kata-tori Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Kata-tori Sankyo
3rd kyu
100 practice hours (from previous test)
- Yokomen-uchi Irimi-nage (two ways)
- Yokomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi
- Tsuki Kaiten-nage
- Ushiro Ryokata-tori Sankyo (omote and ura)
- Morote-tori Irimi-nage (two ways)
- Shomen-uchi Sankyo (omote and ura)
- Suwari Waza
- Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
- Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote and ura)
- Hamni-handachi
- Katate-tori Shiho-nage
- Katate-tori Kaiten-nage (Uchi and Soto mawari, omote and ura)
2nd kyu
200 practice hours (from previous test)
- Shomen-uchi Shiho-nage
- Shomen-uchi Kaiten-nage
- Yokomen-uchi Gokyo
- Ushiro Tekubi-tori Shiho-nage
- Ushiro Tekubi-tori Juji-nage
- Ushiro Kubi-shime Koshi-nage (two ways)
- Morote-tori Nikyo
- Hamni-hadachi
- Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
- Katate-tori Nikyo
- Yokomen-uchi Kte-gaeshi
- Randori (two uke)
1st kyu
300 practice hours (from previous test)
- Kata-tori Men-uchi (Five Techniques)
- Yokomen-uchi (Five Techniques)
- Morote-tori (Five Techniques)
- Shomen-uchi (Five Techniques)
- Ryote-tori (Five Techniques)
- Koshi-nage (Five Techniques)
- Tanto-tori
- Hamni-hadachi Ushiro Waza (Five Techniques)
- Randori (three uke)
1st dan
300 practice hours (from previous test)
- All first kyu requirements
- Tachitori
- Jotori
- Henkawaza
- Randori (four uke)
2nd dan
500 practice hours (from previous test)
- Attend 2 seminars per year
- All Shodan requirements
- Tachitori
- Randori (five uke)
- Kaeshiwaza
3rd dan
600 hours (from previous test)
- Attend 2 seminars per year after Nidan
- Subject of exam to be determined by examiner at time of exam
Subsequent promotions by recommendation.
General Terms:
- Nage: The person performing the technique, the defender
- Uke: The attacker, the individual being thrown
- Ukemi: Receiving a throw, the technique of falling safely
- Randori: Multiple attackers, free form practice
- Seiza: Seated position on knees
- Uchi mawarai: Inside movement in a technique
- Soto mawari: Outside movement in a technique
- Suwari waza: Techniques performed in seiza, both uke and nage kneeling
- Hamni-handachi: Techniques performed with nage in seiza and uke standing
- Henka waza: Switching from one technique to another, mid-movement
- Kaeshi waza: Counter techniques, initial uke throws initial nage
- Shomenuchi: Strike to the forehead
- Yokomenuchi: Strike to the side of the head
- Katatetori: One wrist grabbed
- Ryotetori: Both wrists grabbed
- Morotetori: One wrist grabbed with two hands
- Tsuki: Punch to the solar plexus
- Katatori: One shoulder grabbed
- Katatori Menuchi: One shoulder grabbed, with a strike from the free hand
- Ushiro Ryokatatatori: Both shoulders grabbed from behind nage
- Ushiro Tekubitori: Both wrists grabbed from behind nage
- Ushiro Kubishime: Choke from behind nage, with one wrist grabbed