Rank Test Requirements


5th kyu

60 practice hours

  1. Shomen-uchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
  2. Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
  3. Katate-tori Shiho-nage (omote & ura)
  4. Ryote-tori Tenchi-nage
  5. Tsuki Kote-gaeshi
  6. Ushiro Tekubi-tori Kote-gaeshi
  7. Morete-tori Kokyu-ho


4th kyu

80 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
  2. Yokomen-uchi Shiho-nage (omote & ura)
  3. Tsuki Irimi-nage
  4. Ushiro Tekubi-tori Sankyo (omote & ura)
  5. Ushiro Ryokata-tori Kote-gaeshi
  6. Suwari Waza:
    • Shomen-uchi Ikkyo
    • Kata-tori Nikyo (omote & ura)
    • Kata-tori Sankyo


3rd kyu

100 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. Yokomen-uchi Irimi-nage (two ways)
  2. Yokomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi
  3. Tsuki Kaiten-nage
  4. Ushiro Ryokata-tori Sankyo (omote and ura)
  5. Morote-tori Irimi-nage (two ways)
  6. Shomen-uchi Sankyo (omote and ura)
  7. Suwari Waza
    • Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
    • Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote and ura)
  8. Hamni-handachi
    • Katate-tori Shiho-nage
    • Katate-tori Kaiten-nage (Uchi and Soto mawari, omote and ura)


2nd kyu

200 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. Shomen-uchi Shiho-nage
  2. Shomen-uchi Kaiten-nage
  3. Yokomen-uchi Gokyo
  4. Ushiro Tekubi-tori Shiho-nage
  5. Ushiro Tekubi-tori Juji-nage
  6. Ushiro Kubi-shime Koshi-nage (two ways)
  7. Morote-tori Nikyo
  8. Hamni-hadachi
    • Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
    • Katate-tori Nikyo
    • Yokomen-uchi Kte-gaeshi
  9. Randori (two uke)


1st kyu

300 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. Kata-tori Men-uchi (Five Techniques)
  2. Yokomen-uchi (Five Techniques)
  3. Morote-tori (Five Techniques)
  4. Shomen-uchi (Five Techniques)
  5. Ryote-tori (Five Techniques)
  6. Koshi-nage (Five Techniques)
  7. Tanto-tori
  8. Hamni-hadachi Ushiro Waza (Five Techniques)
  9. Randori (three uke)


1st dan

300 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. All first kyu requirements
  2. Tachitori
  3. Jotori
  4. Henkawaza
  5. Randori (four uke)

2nd dan

500 practice hours (from previous test)

  1. Attend 2 seminars per year
  2. All Shodan requirements
  3. Tachitori
  4. Randori (five uke)
  5. Kaeshiwaza

3rd dan

600 hours (from previous test)

  1. Attend 2 seminars per year after Nidan
  2. Subject of exam to be determined by examiner at time of exam

Subsequent promotions by recommendation.



General Terms:

  • Nage: The person performing the technique, the defender
  • Uke: The attacker, the individual being thrown
  • Ukemi: Receiving a throw, the technique of falling safely
  • Randori: Multiple attackers, free form practice
  • Seiza: Seated position on knees
  • Uchi mawarai: Inside movement in a technique
  • Soto mawari: Outside movement in a technique
  • Suwari waza: Techniques performed in seiza, both uke and nage kneeling
  • Hamni-handachi: Techniques performed with nage in seiza and uke standing
  • Henka waza: Switching from one technique to another, mid-movement
  • Kaeshi waza: Counter techniques, initial uke throws initial nage



  • Shomenuchi: Strike to the forehead
  • Yokomenuchi: Strike to the side of the head
  • Katatetori: One wrist grabbed
  • Ryotetori: Both wrists grabbed
  • Morotetori: One wrist grabbed with two hands
  • Tsuki: Punch to the solar plexus
  • Katatori: One shoulder grabbed
  • Katatori Menuchi: One shoulder grabbed, with a strike from the free hand
  • Ushiro Ryokatatatori: Both shoulders grabbed from behind nage
  • Ushiro Tekubitori: Both wrists grabbed from behind nage
  • Ushiro Kubishime: Choke from behind nage, with one wrist grabbed