Aikido Tekkojuku of Boston 13th Anniversary Seminar
October 19, 20, & 21, 2018 ❖ Jiki Deshi Seminar Long-term Students of Kanai Sensei Share 150 Years of Learning ❖ Aikido Tekkojuku of Boston has a unique concentration of Kanai Sensei’s longest students as senior instructors. This significant legacy will be the focus of this year’s ATJB […]
New Nafudakake
Aikido Tekkojuku’s nafudakake is a wooden board that displays nameplates of all members in rank order. This is a traditional component of Japanese martial arts dojos, and symbolizes the connection of the dojo to its members, past and present. Thanks to a […]
August 2018 Promotions
Congratulations to the following Tekkojuku members for their promotions on August 17th, 2018. Your instructors and classmates are proud of you! Chizuko I. — 2nd dan Nicole R. — 1st kyu Alex P. — 3rd kyu Kieran P. — 4th […]
April 2018 Promotions
Allen B. (3rd kyu) and Tomas P. (2nd kyu) gave excellent demonstrations for the April kyu exams. Your dedication and practice showed in your technique. Congratulations!
December 2017 Promotions
Congratulations to the following Tekkojuku students on their recent promotions. Your instructors and classmates are proud of you! Mike N. — 1st kyu George W. — 2nd kyu Prentice C. — 3rd kyu Virgilio C. — 3rd kyu Alexandru P. […]
August 2017 Promotions
Congratulations to the following Tekkojuku students on their excellent tests and recent promotions! Bradley K. — 1st kyu Greg F. — 1st kyu Priscilla C. — 1st kyu Nan J. — 2nd kyu